logoRuru UI


The CLI is a command-line interface that allows you to add components to your project.


The Ruru UI CLI is a command-line tool designed to help you initialize projects and add UI components with ease.

Getting Started

Initialization (init)

Use the init command to set up the necessary dependencies for a new project.


Run the following command based on your package manager: The init, and CSS variables for the project.

npx ruru-ui-cli@latest init 

Configuration Options:

During initialization, you’ll be prompted to configure the project:

  • TypeScript (recommended)
  • Global CSS file
  • Tailwind configuration
  • CSS variables
  • Custom Tailwind prefix (if any)
  • Import aliases for components, utils, provider, and interfaces

These configurations will be saved to ruru.json.

Command Options:

◇ Would you like to use TypeScript (recommended)? Yes
◇ Where is your global CSS file? ./app/globals.css
◇ Where is your tailwind.config.js located? ./tailwind.config.js
◇ Would you like to use CSS variables for colors? Yes
◇ Are you using a custom tailwind prefix eg. tw-? (Leave blank if not)
◇ Configure the import alias for components: @/components/ui
◇ Configure the import alias for utils: @/lib/utils
◇ Configure the import alias for provider: @/provider
◇ Configure the import alias for interfaces: @/interfaces
◇ Would you like to use RSC ? Yes
◇ Write configuration to ruru.json. Proceed? Yes


The init command supports the following options:

Usage: Ruru-UI init [options]

initialize your project and install dependencies

  -y, --yes         skip confirmation prompt. (default: false)
  -d, --defaults    use default configuration. (default: false)
  -a, --autodetect   autodetect  configuration by framework. (default: false)   
  -c, --cwd <cwd>   the working directory. defaults to the current directory. 
                    (default: "D:\\GitHub\\ruru-ui\\apps\\sink")
  -h, --help        display help for command

Adding Components (add)

The add command allows you to quickly add UI components to your project.


Use the following commands depending on your package manager:

npx ruru-ui-cli@latest add [component] 


The add command supports the following options:

Usage: Ruru-UI add [options] [components...]

add a component to your project

  components         the components to add

  -y, --yes          skip confirmation prompt. (default: true)
  -o, --overwrite    overwrite existing files. (default: false)
  -c, --cwd <cwd>    the working directory. defaults to the current
                     directory. (default: "D:\\GitHub\\ruru-ui\\apps\\sink")  
  -a, --all          add all available components (default: false)
  -p, --path <path>  the path to add the component to.
  -h, --help         display help for command

Adding Blocks (block)

The block command allows you to quickly add blocks to your project.


Use the following commands depending on your package manager:

npx ruru-ui-cli@latest block [name] 

let's say you want to create a login block, you can do it by running the following command:

npx ruru-ui-cli@latest block login-1

Check Out the login-1 Block


The block command supports the following options:

Usage: Ruru-UI block [options] <block>

Add a new block

  -y, --yes        Skip confirmation prompt. (default: false)
  -o, --overwrite  Overwrite existing files. (default: false)
  -c, --cwd <cwd>  The working directory. Defaults to the current
                   directory. (default: "D:\\GitHub\\ruru-ui")
  -i, --info       Show block info (default: false)
  -h, --help       display help for command
Block Info

The block command also supports the --info option, which displays information about the block.

Block Information:
Name:           login-1
Files:          login-1.tsx
Type:           block:component
Dependencies:   react-hook-form, @hookform/resolvers, zod
Components:     button, input, form

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