◇ Would you like to use TypeScript (recommended)? Yes◇ Where is your global CSS file? ./app/globals.css◇ Where is your tailwind.config.js located? ./tailwind.config.js◇ Would you like to use CSS variables for colors? Yes◇ Are you using a custom tailwind prefix eg. tw-? (Leave blank if not)◇ Configure the import alias for components: @/components/ui◇ Configure the import alias for utils: @/lib/utils◇ Configure the import alias for provider: @/provider◇ Configure the import alias for interfaces: @/interfaces◇ Would you like to use RSC ? Yes◇ Write configuration to ruru.json. Proceed? Yes
Usage: Ruru-UI init [options]initialize your project and install dependenciesOptions: -y, --yes skip confirmation prompt. (default: false) -d, --defaults use default configuration. (default: false) -a, --autodetect autodetect configuration by framework. (default: false) -c, --cwd <cwd> the working directory. defaults to the current directory. (default: "D:\\GitHub\\ruru-ui\\apps\\sink") -h, --help display help for command
Usage: Ruru-UI add [options] [components...]add a component to your projectArguments: components the components to addOptions: -y, --yes skip confirmation prompt. (default: true) -o, --overwrite overwrite existing files. (default: false) -c, --cwd <cwd> the working directory. defaults to the current directory. (default: "D:\\GitHub\\ruru-ui\\apps\\sink") -a, --all add all available components (default: false) -p, --path <path> the path to add the component to. -h, --help display help for command
Usage: Ruru-UI block [options] <block>Add a new blockOptions: -y, --yes Skip confirmation prompt. (default: false) -o, --overwrite Overwrite existing files. (default: false) -c, --cwd <cwd> The working directory. Defaults to the current directory. (default: "D:\\GitHub\\ruru-ui") -i, --info Show block info (default: false) -h, --help display help for command